Your support provides for educational programming, leadership opportunities, college trips
service-learning projects, and so much more.
With a motto of “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity,” Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. helps the March of Dimes achieve its mission to improve birth outcomes, and reduce racial and ethnic disparities.
We strive to be a game changer. Students who receive scholarships through our programs benefit from both the financial assistance and the knowledge that their community believes in them enough to subsidize their education.
If you’re passionate about helping a child live a healthy life, then your gift will help “Feed A Child” every weekend through our brown bag program. A bag is filled with food for the student who might not have adequate resources over the weekend.
Passion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiencespassion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiences
Passion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiencespassion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiences
Passion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiencespassion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiences
Passion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiencespassion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiences
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Alan Snow - Vision Corp.
Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram.
Rick Hammer - Globe Corp.